
Update - December 2008

December 2008 - This is looking like it could be our best month ever for page hits ..... thanks everyone.

Website Statistics - 7th February 2008

Hidden away on most of the new Sathya Sai Sanctuary Trust for Nature website pages is a small, invisible, piece of code that lets us know if someone has looked at that page.

When this page was created the total page count since the website was launched was 11,123.

Other Statistics:

The statistics can also show how many page hits there are for each month: (We were popular at Christmas)


Where the last page hits came from:





. . . as a bar chart or a nice coloured chart with flags:





We can also see how much time people spend looking
around the website:






. . . and even a map to see where visitors live:


or a bit closer!

or closer still!


Other information can tell us which search engine you used to find our website and even your keywords.

All of these statistics help us to develop a website that people want to visit.

If you would like any more information about the page counter, please visit

Older news - 30th April 2007